These are the top three exercises we prescribe our runners. Before starting any exercise program, we recommend that you get evaluated by a physical therapist first. If you have cardiovascular issues check with your physician first.
Scroll down for a video!
Single Leg Balance And Reach
Stand on one leg and maintain a stable core with pelvis even. Reach towards imaginary objects crossbody. Aim high and aim low.Make sure your leg’s angle is straight, even though the knee is bending. Also make sure your knee is NOT caving inward.This strengthens your entire leg, works your quads, glutes, ankles and balance in single leg stance.
Sidelying Hip Raises
Lying on your side, lift your top leg up. Try not to use your back muscles for this.
Here is the same exercise from the top view. Notice how my ankle is behind my hip joint, denoted by the yellow dot. This ensures the leg is being lifted by the gluteus medius muscle, which you need to keep strong for lateral stability in running.
Forward lunge
Take a large step forward and maintain a horizontal pelvis. This works your lateral stabilizers and core muscles. Maintain an erect posture throughout as well. As you lunge make sure your knee is NOT caving inward either in stepping forward to stepping backward.
If you are interested in getting a tailored exercise program to work on your particular weaknesses and deficits, I encourage you to call us for a Gait Analysis today! Or if you are suffering from a running injury, consider getting treated as soon as possible so you can get back to running painlessly. We have clinics in Hillsboro and Beaverton.