Want to Work Out Regularly? Here’s How to Start and Stick With It

How to Start Your Fitness Journey
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After talking with many of my clients, the number one problem appears to be that they don’t know how to start working out. They either lack motivation or time.

Sometimes they even have these, but they’re too shy to go to the gym alone, so they give up.

Whatever it is, I wanted to help all of you who might be dealing with the same problem.

I’ll tackle the essential elements, from understanding your motivations to setting realistic goals and crafting a plan that fits your lifestyle.

How to Start Working Out Regularly

1. Define Why Are You Doing It

Workout Transformation

Before you move on to the how, let’s talk about the why.

Motivation is like setting the GPS for your fitness journey—it guides your path and keeps you from straying. Losing compass can happen, but always keep you close to the core.

Are you working out to improve your health? To improve your confidence and feel better in your clothes? To manage stress?

Maybe you’re inspired by a family member’s transformation or motivated by a personal challenge.

Whatever your reason is, write it down, tape it to your fridge, or set it as your phone wallpaper.

Let this motivation be your anchor on days when the couch feels more appealing than the treadmill, and remember, your ‘why’ can evolve over time, so revisit and adjust it as you progress.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Set Realistic Fitness Goals when You Start Working Out

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a consistent workout routine.

Setting sky-high goals from the get-go is like trying to sprint before you can walk—it’s a recipe for disappointment. Instead, start small.

Aim for two to three workout sessions a week, 20-30 minutes each, to seamlessly integrate this new habit into your life without overwhelming yourself.

Choose activities you actually enjoy—be it dancing, hiking, swimming, or strength training—since enjoyment is the key to longevity in any routine.

As these sessions become a part of your routine, you can gradually increase the intensity and frequency, but remember, incremental improvements are the building blocks of monumental change.

3. Craft Your Plan

How To Create a Workout Plan

Now, let’s get down to brass tacks—creating your workout plan. It isn’t about drafting a military-style regimen but about integrating exercise into your existing schedule.

Look at your week, pinpoint the most realistic times for working out, and pencil them in as non-negotiable appointments.

Consider your energy levels throughout the day; morning person? Consider a brisk walk or a yoga session to kickstart your day. Night owl?

An evening gym session or a bike ride might be your best bet.

Remember, flexibility is your friend; if a set time doesn’t work on a particular day, find a different slot rather than skipping entirely.

Interesting Fact: For people over 40, a combination of strength training, flexibility exercises, and low-impact cardio like walking or swimming is ideal for maintaining health and vitality.

4. Equip Yourself

Woman Exercising on Yoga Mat at Home

I’m not talking about splurging on the latest high-tech gear. But having the right equipment can mean the difference between a meh workout and a great one.

Invest in a good pair of shoes, comfortable clothing, and any other gear specific to your activity.

This could be as simple as a yoga mat for home workouts or a water bottle that makes you want to stay hydrated.

And remember, “right” doesn’t mean “expensive”—it means suitable for your chosen activity and comfortable for you.

Proper equipment not only enhances performance but also prevents injuries, making your workout experience both enjoyable and safe.

When it comes to purchasing exercise equipment, the following proved themselves to be quite good for me: Fitness Factory, Fitness Superstore, and Rogue Fitness.

5. Build a Support System

Starting this whole process can feel lonely, but it doesn’t have to be.

Involve friends or family members who have similar goals, join a fitness class, or connect with an online community.

Building support system helps create a sense of belonging and provide motivation and encouragement.

It will certainly make working out more enjoyable. Plus, a little healthy competition never hurt anyone, right?

Support comes in various forms, so seek out what works best for you, whether it’s a workout buddy or an online forum. Speaking of online forums, you should visit Fitness.com, Cathe Friedrich Fitness Forums, and FitDay Discussion Boards.

6. Embrace Consistency Over Perfection

Here’s the thing—life happens. There will be days when you miss a workout, eat more than you intended, or feel like you’re not making progress. And that’s okay.

Fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. Embrace the whole experience with all its ups and downs, and remember, consistency is key.

What matters is not the occasional stumble but your ability to get back on track.

Focus on consistency, not perfection, and understand that small, consistent efforts lead to significant results over time.

Celebrate the small victories, and don’t beat yourself up over the setbacks—each day is a new opportunity to improve.

7. Listen to Your Body

This is non-negotiable. Your body is your ultimate guide, so listen to it. Pushing through pain or exhaustion can lead to injuries and burnout.

Respect your body’s limits and understand that rest and recovery are just as important as the home workouts themselves.

If you’re tired, rest. If something hurts, stop.

Adapt your workout plan as needed based on how your body feels.

Remember, there’s a difference between challenging yourself and harming yourself.

Learn to recognize it, and always prioritize your health and well-being above all else.

Individuals with cardiovascular problems should avoid intense cardio or heavy weightlifting.

8. Find Your Why (again)

Motivation Builds as You See Progress in Exercise

As you progress, your initial motivations might evolve, and that’s perfectly normal.

Maybe you started working out to lose weight, but now you love how strong you feel or the mental clarity it brings. Revisit and revise your goals as needed.

This continuous loop of self-reflection ensures your workout routine remains aligned with what truly matters to you.

Embrace this evolving path, as the changes in your ‘why’ reflect your personal growth.

Keep asking yourself what drives you, and let your answers guide your path forward in fitness and in life.

All in All…

Keep your motivations clear, set achievable goals, and listen to your body.

Fortunately, the community can help you on this road.

The most important thing to remember is that every small step is a leap toward your overall health and happiness.

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