
Education Should Also Play A Significant Role in Fall Prevention

It should be clear by now that falls are a major problem in the elderly community. And as we’ve shown, active, exercise-based prevention programs are one of the most beneficial ways to help at-risk adults avoid falls by improving areas like strength, ba…
September 21, 2021Read More

Exercise-Based Prevention Programs May Reduce The Risk For Falls

As we explained in our last newsletter, falls represent one of the greatest burdens on the population over 65 years, and consequently, the entire healthcare system. While not all falls result in serious injury, those that do can have significant long-term…
September 14, 2021Read More

Falls Can Have Dire Consequences And Major Costs For Older Adults

Although falls in older adults are responsible for nearly one million hospitalizations and tens of billions of dollars in healthcare spending, many people are not properly informed about the scope of the problem or what they can do to address it. This is …
September 7, 2021Read More

Most Cases Of Tennis Elbow Will Improve With Physical Therapy

Tennis is a great form of physical activity that works out many parts of the body due to its demanding dynamics, but just like every other sport, it also comes with a risk for injury. The most common injury in the sport is called lateral epicondylitis, …
August 24, 2021Read More

Elbow Pain Is Common In Golfers Due To Repetitive Bending & Twisting

So far, we’ve been primarily focusing on repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) that result from performing the same movements regularly in one’s occupation. But sports—both as a profession and a recreational activity—typically require certain motions …
August 17, 2021Read More

A Physical Therapy Program Is Best For Nerve-Related Repetitive Strain

Our hands are the main tools that we use to navigate the world around us. Most—if not all—professions require some use of the hands to complete the task, whether that’s grooming dogs, typing at a computer, or trimming trees. Unfortunately, these rep…
August 10, 2021Read More

Repeating Same Movements Every Day Can Lead To Painful Symptoms

Throughout a typical day, you use your hands, wrists, and elbows almost constantly. From vigorously brushing your teeth in the morning, to switching the lights off before bed, and during just about every other action in between, these joints are frequentl…
August 3, 2021Read More

Correcting Posture Is Hard Work That Often Requires Physical Therapy

By now, the many ways in which posture can influence the body and the importance of practicing good posture should be abundantly clear. If you’re interested in taking more control over your own posture, performing the exercises and techniques described …
July 27, 2021Read More

Proper Breathing Is Key To Posture And Pain

In our first newsletter, we briefly mentioned how bad posture, neck pain, and respiratory function are all related. This relationship is worth a closer examination, too, as improving the way you breath is a key to better posture, reduced pain, and less st…
July 20, 2021Read More

Answers To Your Frequently Asked Questions About Posture And Pain

In our last post, we introduced you to the concept of posture, explained what is meant by good versus poor posture, and offered a few examples of painful conditions and other dysfunctions that may be related to poor posture. But since this was only the in…
July 13, 2021Read More

If You’re Dealing With Pain, Consider Your Posture

You may not give much thought to your posture, but you probably should. Posture isn’t just about standing up straight to boost your appearance. Whether you keep good posture or poor posture may also have implications on certain aspects of your health an…
July 6, 2021Read More

Consider The Mixed Evidence On Glucosamine And Chondroitin Sulfate

Osteoarthritis affects up to 31 million Americans, making it one of the most common conditions in the nation. The resulting joint pain can be devastating for these individuals, and the longer osteoarthritis progresses, the greater the disability becomes. …
June 22, 2021Read More

Physical Therapy Is The Best Way To Address Shoulder Pain

As we explained in our last newsletter, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk for shoulder pain, but even if you follow these measures to a T, pain may still develop for reasons that are partially out of your control. If you do begin no…
June 15, 2021Read More

Our Top 4 Tips For Preventing Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be an extremely bothersome issue to deal with. Although you may not realize it, you use your shoulder on a frequent basis throughout most days, since it permits many of the movements that involves your arms. So if a problem arises that l…
June 8, 2021Read More

Answering Common Questions To Understand Painful Shoulder Conditions

The shoulder doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves. As the only major joint that can rotate a full 360°, the shoulder is the most mobile and flexible joint in the body, and this flexibility allows you do things like throw a baseball, reach for…
June 1, 2021Read More

A Physical Therapist Can Help You Overcome Exercising Barriers

As we discussed in our first newsletter this month, most people are aware that exercise is good for you and is recommended for achieving and maintaining optimal health. Yet still, a significant portion of the population doesn’t do it. We mentioned in th…
May 25, 2021Read More

The Best Diet For You Is The One You Can Stick With

Dieting can be overwhelming. With new research constantly emerging, new diets seemingly popping up every week, and experts regularly claiming to have discovered the magic bullet to weight loss or nutrition, it’s difficult to even keep track of what’s …
May 18, 2021Read More

You Have Questions About HIIT And MICT And We Have Answers

In our last newsletter, we explored a few of the many health benefits associated with regular physical activity and discussed two popular approaches to exercise that are worth considering: high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate-intensity c…
May 11, 2021Read More

Exercise Can Improve Your Health In Less Time Than You Think

If there’s anything the public knows about exercise, it’s simple: doing it is good for you. This association is undoubtedly common knowledge by this point, but what many people may not fully understand is just how far these benefits go. Research conti…
May 4, 2021Read More

Seeing A Physical Therapist Early Can Help With Long-Term Success

In our last three newsletters, we’ve looked into the most common causes of low back pain and offered some tips on what to do if and when it strikes. Taking these steps and making other smart lifestyle changes—like moving more, sitting less, and improv…
April 27, 2021Read More
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