Get a Smaller Waist and Bigger Hips With Our Guide

woman in white training suit train for smaller waist and bigger hips
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One thing that is widely recognized as a fitness standard is the waist-to-hip ratio. Almost every woman in the world wishes for a curvy body with a smaller waist and big booty.

Well-rounded big bums and smaller waists are the definition of a sexy body. Some women have it naturally without much effort, but others need to put in some extra effort to achieve it, and that is where I as an experienced fitness coach come in.

I will share the same tips that I shared with all my clients for getting a smaller waist and bigger hips. I guarantee these exercises will help you out!

What Exercises Will Help You Get an Hourglass Figure?

1. Russian twists

This exercise targets your obliques, which are crucial for waist definition:

  1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent, your feet lifted slightly off the ground.
  2. Lean back slightly, keeping your back straight.
  3. Hold your hands together in front of your chest, and twist your torso to the right, then to the left. That’s one rep.
  4. For added difficulty, hold a weight or medicine ball.

2. Bicycle crunches

A comprehensive abdominal exercise that engages all parts of the abs, including the deep abs. Bicycle crunches target the upper and lower abs as well as the obliques, promoting a strong, tight core:

  1. Lie flat on your back with your hands behind your head, elbows wide.
  2. Lift your shoulders off the floor and raise your knees to a 90-degree angle.
  3. Bring your right elbow towards your left knee while straightening your right leg.
  4. Switch sides, bringing your left elbow towards your right knee.
  5. Continue alternating in a ‘pedaling’ motion.

3. Sumo squats

This variation targets your inner thighs and glutes more effectively:

  1. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed out.
  2. Squat down, keeping your back straight and chest up. Ensure your knees follow your toes.
  3. Push through your heels to return to the starting position.

4. Hip thrusts

Hip thrusts specifically target your glutes and hips:

  1. Sit on the ground with a bench behind you.
  2. Lean back against the bench so that your shoulder blades are on the edge.
  3. With a weight on your hips, drive through your feet, thrusting your hips upwards.
  4. Lower back down for one rep.

Hip thrusts enhance hip size by isolating and building the glute muscles.

5. Side lunges

They work the side muscles, improving hip width and shape:

  1. Stand with your feet together.
  2. Take a large step to the side, squatting down on that leg while the other leg stays straight.
  3. Push off your bent leg to return to the starting position.

6. Fire hydrants

These target the outer glutes and hip muscles:

  1. Start on all fours.
  2. Keeping your knee bent, raise one leg out to the side, like a dog at a fire hydrant.
  3. Lower it back down and repeat before switching legs.

7. Lateral band walks

Great for activating the side hip muscles:

  1. Place a resistance band just above your knees.
  2. Squat slightly and step to the side in a controlled manner.
  3. Keep tension on the band with each step.

The Importance of Your Current Body Shape and Fat Percentage

Before creating a workout plan, assess your body fat percentage. According to MPRA’s study, a healthy body fat percentage for women falls within the range of 21-33 percent. If your current body fat percentage exceeds this range, you should consider losing weight and reducing belly fat.[1]

If you’re naturally thin and possess a body fat percentage that’s lower than the ‘healthy range,’ make sure to concentrate on adding weight to the appropriate areas of your body via a suitable diet and exercise regimen.

Once you’ve determined which approach is required to achieve your goal of obtaining thicker hips and a smaller waist, you can utilize some or all of the strategies I will outline below.

small waist big hips infographic

Modify Your Diet

The diet plan specific to you will start with consideration of your targets. If you are on the heavier side and wish to achieve a smaller waist your diet plan should be aimed at reducing the weight.

It’s crucial to consume whole foods in appropriate portions. This entails following a calorie-deficit diet plan. For a balanced meal, I recommend you fill half your plate with vegetables or salad.

A quarter of the plate should consist of high-quality protein, including options like meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, tofu, beans, and pulses. Another quarter should be dedicated to complex carbohydrates, including whole grains and starchy vegetables. Limit high-fat foods to half a tablespoon (7 grams), which consists of cheese, oils, and butter.

According to APA, men and women have different needs when it comes to calories consumption. Depending on activity level, it’s estimated that adult women require 1,600–2,400 calories per day, compared with 2,000–3,000 calories for adult men.[2]

A report by Kentucky state university tells about how an increase of at least 500 to 1000 calories each day will promote a one to two-pound weight gain per week. It takes an extra 3500 calories to gain one pound of body weight.[3]

Estimated Amounts of Calories Needed for Women

Choose the Right Meat

I recommend you select meats with a lower fat content, known as lean meat. Skinless chicken is a prime example of lean meat. I also often take turkey, red meat, or pork chops that also qualify as lean meat (if you trim the fat away). When cooked correctly, lean meats are easy on the metabolism.

Due to its relatively low-fat content and high protein and vitamin content, lean meat is an excellent food choice for anyone who wants to reduce their belly fat while simultaneously gaining fat and muscle in the hip region.

The best foods to build muscle include items high in protein and low in saturated fat.

We’ve recently had a talk with Melissa Mitri, a weight loss expert, where she confirmed this by saying “But while many people focus solely on protein to build muscle. Carbs and fats are also essential as they work as a team with protein.”

Additional Tips

Workouts aimed at achieving a smaller waist and bigger bum can be a bit tricky, unlike general strength training workout plans. Here are some tips I commonly share with my clients:

  • The frequency of glute training should be at least twice a week.
  • Like the pro powerlifters, you can include weighted squats in your everyday routine.
  • Overdoing cardio will cut down the fat on the hips too. Thus, do it the right amount.
  • Replace some cardio with plyometrics
  • Glutes being the big muscles you need to work with heavier weights
  • Doing slower reps will help you in keeping muscles under tension for a longer time, and help you in getting faster results
  • Repeating the same exercises can slow down your results, mix it up
  • Do targeted workouts, do not mix too many workout plans together
All information presented in this text is based on our own perspectives and experiences. The content is provided for informational purposes only and is a reflection of the personal views of the authors. It should not be taken as professional advice, nor should it be used as a basis for making significant decisions without consulting a qualified expert. We do not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information provided and shall not be held responsible for any inaccuracy, omissions, or inaccuracies. We highly recommend consulting with a qualified expert in the relevant field for personalized guidance or advice specific to your situation.


  1. Devajit Mohajan, & Haradhan Kumar Mohajan. (2023). A Study on Body Fat Percentage for Physical Fitness and Prevention of Obesity: A Two Compartment Model. ournal of nnovations in edical esearch, 2(4), 1–10. Retrieved from
  2. American Psychological Association (2015-2020), Dietary Guidelines, Retrieved from
  3. Kansas State University. (n.d.). Am I at a healthy weight? Retrieved from

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