The 20-Minute Hotel Room Workout – 10 Quick Exercises

Hotel Room Workout
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I looove to travel, but one thing that was a bit problematic for me was how to work out while traveling. It seemed like such a challenge, and, of course, I would always find some kind of excuse why I couldn’t do it.

After some time I realized that this led me further and further away from achieving my fitness goals which is why I decided I had to change something.

After a lot of research and many trials, I created a workout program that can be done wherever you go (and what is more important, the exercises are highly effective).

Today, I will walk you through a 20-minute exercise regimen designed to be done in the comfort of your hotel room. No more excuses, keep up with your goals!

What Should Your Workout Include?

Hotel starching

First of All – the Warm-Up!

Beginning with a warm-up is crucial. It prepares your body for exercise by gradually increasing the heart rate and loosening the muscles. A proper warm-up reduces the risk of injury and improves the effectiveness of your workout.

Dynamic Stretching

Start with 3-5 minutes of dynamic stretches. These include leg swings, arm circles, and gentle lunges. Dynamic stretching enhances flexibility and range of motion, setting a solid foundation for your routine.

Getting Your Heart Rate Up

Incorporate spot jogging or jumping jacks to get your blood pumping. This transition into more intense activity ensures your body is ready to take on the workout’s challenges.

10 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

hotel workout equipment

1. Bodyweight Squats

Squats are excellent for building lower body strength and endurance. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower yourself as if sitting back into a chair, then rise back to the starting position.

2. Push-Ups

Push-ups target your chest, shoulders, and triceps. If standard push-ups are too challenging, modify them by keeping your knees on the ground.

3. Plank


We all hate it, I know, but the plank is a core-stabilizing wonder. Holding a plank position for intervals strengthens your entire core, improving posture and balance. I’m sure you can do these wherever you go.

4. Lunges

Lunges work your thighs and buttocks while also engaging your core. Alternate legs to ensure an even workout.

5. Tricep Dips

Use a sturdy chair or the edge of the bed for tricep dips. They are effective for toning the arms and shoulders.

6. Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers

This cardio-intensive exercise also targets the core and legs. It’s a full-body workout that boosts your heart rate. Any room you’re staying in will be good for this exercise, there are no excuses!

7. Glute Bridges

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and lift your hips to form a straight line from knees to shoulders. This exercise strengthens the lower back and glutes.

8. High Knees

Running in place with high knees is excellent for cardio and works the lower body.

9. Abdominal Crunches

Abdominal Crunches

Focus on your abdominal muscles with crunches. They can be varied in intensity and form to target different muscle groups.

10. Wall Sit

Find a clear space on the wall, slide down into a seated position, and hold. This isometric exercise is great for building endurance in the thighs and glutes.

And Now…Cool Down!

  • Make a Gradual Decrease in Intensity: After completing the main set of exercises, gradually bring your heart rate down. Slow walking or gentle stretching works well.
  • Don’t Skip the Stretching: End with a series of static stretches focusing on all major muscle groups. This helps in recovery and reduces post-workout soreness.
  • Reflect on Your Achievement: Take a moment to acknowledge your effort. Recognizing your commitment to maintaining fitness while traveling is crucial for long-term success.

How to Tailor Your Workout to Your Needs?

I often found myself in a situation where the program I tailored could not be applied in reality, or I simply outgrew them. In such cases, I would follow these tips:

Adjust Fitness Levels

The beauty of this routine is its adaptability. Exercises can be modified to increase or decrease intensity. 

Beginners might focus on form and slower movements, while more advanced individuals can add repetitions or include additional sets.

Incorporate Variety


To prevent boredom and target different muscle groups, vary your exercises. Alternate between different types of squats, push-ups, and core exercises to keep the routine engaging and comprehensive.

Listen to Your Body

It’s essential to be mindful of your body’s signals. If you feel pain (beyond normal muscle fatigue), take a break or adjust the exercise. Don’t pressure yourself, the whole point is to make progress not to injure yourself.

Common Challenges

Limited Space 

Even in the smallest hotel room, there’s room for a workout. Focus on stationary exercises like squats, planks, and push-ups that require minimal space.

Staying Motivated

goals for your workout

Set clear, achievable goals for your workout. Remind yourself of how good you’ll feel afterward, and consider rewarding yourself with a healthy treat post-exercise. You’re on a vacation and you’re working out – give yourself some credit!

Plan your workout for the time of day when you’re least likely to be interrupted or when you have the most energy. Consistency is more achievable when it’s scheduled.

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