6 Best At-Home Workout Routines (Training Without a Gym)

A woman exercising her abdominal muscles in her living room, demonstrating an at-home workout routine.
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You know how it used to be a big deal if you didn’t have a gym membership? Well, those days are long gone. Nowadays, people often opt for at-home workout. It’s super flexible, won’t break the bank, and you can fit in a sweat session anytime you want.

I’m talking everything from heart-pumping HIIT sessions to zen-inducing yoga flows – and guess what? You barely need any gear. Stick around because I’m about to share some excellent workout routines that’ll push your limits and keep things fun, all from the comfort of your living room. Let’s get moving!

1. Warm-Up Routine

Warm-Up Routine at Home

Alright, let’s talk about getting warmed up. You know how important it is to prep your body before actually getting into a workout, right? Your muscles need to get ready and keep injuries at bay.

Plus, it actually helps you perform better. I’ve got this straightforward warm-up routine that’s super easy to follow and you can easily do it at home:

Exercise Duration Description
Jumping Jacks 2 minutes Start with a moderate pace to gradually increase your heart rate.
Arm Circles 1 minute Do 30 seconds forward and 30 seconds backward to warm up your shoulder joints.
High Knees 1 minute Lift your knees high to your chest level at a quick pace to activate your lower body and increase blood flow.
Leg Swings 1 minute for each leg Hold onto a wall or chair for support and swing one leg forward and back, then switch legs. This exercise targets your hamstrings and hip flexors.
Butt Kicks 1 minute Jog in place while kicking your heels up towards your glutes to warm up your hamstrings and quads.
Dynamic Stretching 2 minutes Include dynamic stretches such as lunges with a twist, inchworms, or side lunges to improve your range of motion and flexibility.

2. Bodyweight Workouts

Bodyweight Workouts at Home


So, I kick things off with pushups. They’re the bread and butter of workouts, hitting the chest, shoulders, and triceps. But I also like to mix it up a bit – switching hand positions to keep the muscles guessing. And you know what’s cool? Pushups are also my secret weapon for better posture and core strength ’cause you’ve gotta keep everything tight and aligned.

And the best part? I can tweak them to fit my level. Feeling like a challenge? Prop your feet up. Needing a lighter day? Drop down to your knees. The important thing is that it works for you.

Did you know that the world record for the most push-ups in one hour is 2,806?


Planks are my go-to for a solid core workout. When I’m in plank position, I make sure I’m like a straight arrow from head to heels. This position will keep the core tight the whole time. The exercise is not just about the abs, as it gets my back, shoulders, and glutes in on the action too, so I feel strong all over.

And when it starts feeling a bit too easy, I spice things up with some side planks or throw in a few plank jacks.


At-Home Workout Routines Squats

The squat is excellent for the legs and glutes. When doing this exercise, I stand with my feet shoulder-width apart, keep my back straight, and lower myself down like I’m about to sit on an invisible chair. Whenever doing squats, my core and lower back get in on the action, too, so it is a great exercise for the full body, not just the legs.

And when I’m feeling extra, I mix in some pause squats or jump squats.


Lunges are my go-to when I want to give my legs and butt a good workout. You just step forward with one foot and drop your hips down until both your knees are bent at about 90 degrees.

Not only do lunges beef up your legs and glutes, but they also help with your balance and coordination, which is pretty cool, right? If you want to mix things up, try throwing in some walking lunges or reverse lunges. Keeps the routine fresh and challenging.


Then there’s burpees – oh man, talk about a full-body workout! You start standing, drop into a squat, kick back into a plank, and then spring back up. It’s such a versatile exercise, working on your strength, cardio, and even your ability to move quickly and explosively.

Athletes love it, and if you’re feeling extra, add a push-up when you’re in the plank or a jump as you stand up.

3. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Boost Your Metabolism

High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT as it’s better known, comes with so many benefits. This is where you go all out with intense exercise bursts, then take a quick breather before going at it again.

It’s amazing for torching fat and getting your heart rate up. Plus, you can tweak it to fit your level by adjusting how hard and long you go. The best part? It’s super time-efficient, perfect for squeezing into a hectic day. And the kicker is that it keeps your metabolism revved up long after you’re done. How awesome is that?

Day Activities & Duration
Warm-Up (Daily) 30s jumping jacks, 30s high knees, 30s butt kicks, 30s arm circles, 60s dynamic stretching (leg swings, arm swings)
Day 1: Full Body Blast Circuit 1: 20s burpees/10s rest, 20s mountain climbers/10s rest (4 rounds) Circuit 2: 20s squat jumps/10s rest, 20s push-ups/10s rest (4 rounds)
Day 2: Core and Cardio Focus Circuit 1: 20s high knees/10s rest, 20s plank jacks/10s rest (4 rounds) Circuit 2: 20s Russian twists/10s rest, 20s bicycle crunches/10s rest (4 rounds)
Day 3: Rest or Light Activity Walking, yoga, or stretching
Day 4: Lower Body Power Circuit 1: 20s jump lunges/10s rest, 20s wall sit/10s rest (4 rounds) Circuit 2: 20s high kicks/10s rest, 20s glute bridges/10s rest (4 rounds)
Day 5: Upper Body Strength Circuit 1: 20s tricep dips/10s rest, 20s diamond push-ups/10s rest (4 rounds) Circuit 2: 20s plank up-downs/10s rest, 20s supermans/10s rest (4 rounds)
Day 6: HIIT & Agility Circuit 1: 20s side-to-side hops/10s rest, 20s skaters/10s rest (4 rounds) Circuit 2: 20s bear crawls/10s rest, 20s frog jumps/10s rest (4 rounds)
Day 7: Rest or Active Recovery Light jogging, swimming, or a leisurely bike ride
Cool Down (Daily) 60s deep breathing, 2 mins stretching (major muscle groups), 60s each side hip flexor stretch, 60s each side shoulder stretch

4. Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates at Home

Yoga and Pilates are such relaxing and beneficial activities. Not only am I getting bendier and feeling more balanced, but my core strength is through the roof. Plus, I’ve noticed I’m way more chilled out, and my mind feels clearer. The more I tune into my body, the better choices I make for my health, including what I eat and how well I sleep.

As I’ve kept at it, my flexibility and how I move day-to-day have seriously leveled up. And what’s cool is that these workouts are super inclusive; anyone, no matter their age or fitness vibe, can get into them.

5. Resistance Training

Resistance Training at Home

Now, let’s talk about resistance training. I’ve been getting creative with resistance bands and even stuff I’ve got lying around the house. This the DIY weight lifting without the actual weights, which is awesome for my wallet and keeps me from pushing too hard too fast.

6. Cardio at Home

As far as cardio goes, there are many possibilities. Whether it’s jumping rope, jogging on the spot, or just dancing like no one’s watching, I’m all in. It’s super manageable to sneak in these mini workouts throughout the day. Not to mention, I’m keeping my heart healthy and my lungs in tip-top shape, which is a big win in my book.

The Bottom Line

Let’s be real: We all have those moments when we don’t feel like working out or we find excuses like having to travel or clean the house, but the truth is you’ll make it happen if you really want to. All you need is a small corner of your home and a positive attitude and you can achieve your fitness goals without stepping into a gym.

Don’t forget that consistency is key. Find what works for you, mix things up to keep it interesting, and most importantly, enjoy the process.

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