Discover The 8 Best Gym Machines For Glutes

women exercise in the gym on one of the best Machines For Glutes
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While squats and deadlifts might be the gold standard for booty gains, sometimes you might want to add variety or target the glutes from different angles. It’s easy to fall into a routine rut, doing the same exercises and missing out on some fantastic alternatives.

Well, after many workouts and a lot of research, I’ll give you the top 8 gym machines that are game-changers for the glutes. These are a MUST in my booty programs. Ready to shake up your routine and feel the burn in the best way possible?

Key Takeaways

  • To shape your booty, shape, use the following machines: leg press, glute kickback, hip abductor, Smith Machine, cable pull-through, glute bridge machine, Bulgarian split squat stand, and hip thrust bench with resistance band attachment.

8. Leg Press

Leg Press

The leg press, often overshadowed by squats, is actually a very valuable asset for anyone looking to target the glutes. It allows heavy resistance training without putting too much strain on the lower back.

The machine offers a safe way to load up weight, especially for those with back issues. If you adjust the foot placement higher on the platform, you’ll increase glute engagement. Another advantage is the potential for unilateral training, working one leg at a time, which can help address muscle imbalances.

How to Use It?

  • Ensure your feet are shoulder-width apart, and adjust the seat so your legs form a 90-degree angle at the start.
  • Push through your heels, ensuring you don’t lock your knees at the top.
  • Control the weight as you return to the starting position.

7. Glute Kickback

Glute Kickback

My favorite! The glute kickback machine isolates the glutes by allowing you to push weight with your leg extended behind you. Although my clients don’t enjoy it as much, the results are totally worth it.

This machine effectively targets the gluteus maximus. The movement pattern allows for peak contraction at the top of the kickback. By adjusting the height or angle, you can emphasize different parts of the glute muscles.

How to Use It?

  • Ensure your core is engaged throughout the movement.
  • Push through the heel, squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement.
  • Slowly return to the starting position, maintaining tension on the glutes.

6. Hip Abductor

Hip Abductor

This machine targets the often-neglected outer glute muscles. These muscles play a pivotal role in stabilizing the hips and contributing to an hourglass figure.

The main muscles worked are the gluteus medius and minimus. Strengthening these muscles not only enhances your side booty but also aids in preventing knee and lower back pain.

How to Use It?

  1. Sit squarely in the machine with a tall posture.
  2. Ensure your feet are flat on the platforms and grip the handles.
  3. Push your legs outwards against the resistance, squeezing the glutes at the peak of the movement.
  4. Return slowly, maintaining constant tension.

5. The Smith Machine

This machine can be can be used to perform weighted squats, lunges, and even hip thrusts. Due to a fixed pathway, the Smith Machine is excellent for beginners. This controlled environment also allows for heavier lifts without the worry of balancing a free barbell, enabling more focus on the glutes.

How to Use It?

  • Place the barbell at a comfortable height.
  • For squats, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a little forward, allowing a deeper squat to engage the glutes better.
  • For lunges, step one foot forward and descend, ensuring the knee doesn’t go over the toes.
  • Remember to push through the heels for maximum glute activation.

4. The Cable Pull-Through

Cable Pull-Through

While not a machine in itself, the cable tower offers a fantastic exercise to target the glutes: the cable pull-through. This exercise mimics the motion of a deadlift but keeps constant tension on the glutes and hamstrings ( which is what we’re aiming for when working the gluteus).

How to Use It?

  • Stand facing away from the cable machine with a rope attachment set to the lowest level. Hold the rope between your legs and walk forward until there’s tension.
  • With a slight bend in the knees, hinge at the hips, pushing them backward.
  • Drive hips forward, squeezing the glutes at the top.

3. Glute Bridge

 The machine offers padded support that positions the weight directly over your hips. This targeted resistance means your booty works harder than in a standard bodyweight bridge, promising more growth and strength. Awesome, right?

How to Use It?

  • Position yourself so that the pad rests just above your pelvis.
  • With your feet flat on the ground and shoulder-width apart, press through your heels, raising your hips.
  • At the top, ensure your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees. Contract your glutes hard at the peak before lowering with control.

2. The Bulgarian Split Squat Stand

Bulgarian Split Squat Stand

This specialized stand, while simple in design, can dramatically intensify one of the most powerful glute exercises: the Bulgarian split squat. Elevating the rear leg allows for a deeper squat, increasing the range of motion and targeting the glutes more effectively.

The Bulgarian split squat is a unilateral exercise, meaning it trains one side of your body independently from the other. This not only promotes balanced muscle growth but also helps correct any imbalances.

With the elevated rear leg, your front leg – particularly the glutes and hamstrings – has to work harder.

How to Use It?

  1. Position yourself a couple of feet away from the stand, back facing it.
  2. Rest one foot on the stand behind you.
  3. Keeping your torso upright, lower into a lunge, ensuring your front knee doesn’t go past your toes.
  4. Press up through the heel of your front foot, activating your glutes.

1. The Hip Thrust Bench with Resistance Band Attachment

Hip Thrust Bench with Resistance Band Attachment

Taking the top spot is the dedicated hip thrust bench! The hip thrust isolates the glutes like no other exercise. By elevating the shoulders and using a bench designed for this purpose, you can safely load more weight, challenging your glutes even further.

The addition of resistance bands ensures constant tension throughout the movement, maximizing muscle engagement. If you’re working on your booty, you mustn’t skip this one!

How to Use It?

  • Position the bench so that it’s right below your shoulder blades.
  • With feet flat on the ground and knees bent, place a barbell or weight plate over your hips.
  • Using the resistance band attachment, ensure the band adds tension at the top of the movement.
  • Lower your hips and then drive them upwards, squeezing your glutes hard at the top. The band should add an extra challenge during the peak contraction.


Should I start directly with these machines?
If you’re new to exercising, it would be better to exercise like bodyweight squats, lunges, and bridges can help prepare your muscles. Once you’re comfortable, you can progress to these machines, starting with light weights to ensure proper form.

How often should I incorporate these into my weekly routine?
For optimal glute development, aim to target the glutes 2-3 times a week. This allows for effective stimulation while also providing adequate recovery time. However, it’s essential to listen to your body and adjust based on how you feel and your recovery rate.

Are there any common mistakes to watch out for?
Absolutely! Common mistakes include using too much weight too soon (which can compromise your form), not adjusting the machine to fit your body, rushing through the repetitions without controlling the movement, and not using the full range of motion. Always prioritize form over the amount of weight.

How long will it take to see noticeable results?
Results vary based on individual factors like genetics, a healthy diet that can help you glutes grow, consistency, and overall fitness routine. However, with consistent workouts and proper nutrition, many people begin to see changes in muscle tone and shape within 4 to 8 weeks. Consistency is key!

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